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     Maria Fradinho (1999) I was born in Aveiro, Portugal, and live and work in Rome, Italy. In my work process, the ideas of the body and the journey are strongly present. The action of walking and the topography of the spaces where the action takes place influence the connection between what we might call Being and Place. The occasionalities of the walking Being and the sharing inherent in the places frequented by those who describe, constitute and experience them are part of - and enrich - this sequence of gestures and markings that drawing can reveal. 

     Each landscape, given its different types (natural or urban), influences attention in a specific and diverse way. This attention is a discovery in itself, and fosters a gaze that is very close to the child's gaze on the world, due to the novelty and availability eminent in walking and the impressions that are left by it at different proximities, speeds and densities.  

     Being a walker presupposes the experience of moments of immersion that are rarely allowed in the lifestyle of contemporary societies. This is also why it will be important to show and arouse in the observer the impulse of curiosity about the form and meaning of things, a deceleration that allows reflection on the world, providing a gaze that is both individual and collective.


Academic background 


2023 - Present

Professional internship. Assistant at Alfredo Pirri's studio.

Rome, Italy.



Master's in Fine Artes graduete at Escola Superior de Artes e Design das Caldas da Rainha.



– Fine Arts graduate from ESAD.CR.



Completed the Erasmus + program at the Accademia di Belli Arti di L'Aquila. Italy.

Complementary Formation

– Workshop: Scientific illustration.
Teacher: Marco Nunes Correia. ESAD.CR.

– Workshop on screen printing techniques.
Technician: Vera Gonçalves. ESAD.CR.
– Workshop on inclusive board games.
Designer: Renato Bispo. ESAD.CR.

– Performance workshop.
Artist: Ashmina Ranjit. ESAD.CR.

– Completed the interior and exterior decoration technician course at the Talentos Training Center in Aveiro.
– Completed free courses
the free Fine Arts courses at Academy of Fine Arts. Ílhavo.

Solo exhibitions


 Intra-Vedere. Proyecto Empeño. Bracciano, Roma.

 Mergulho Cego. Armadilha and Fuga. Curated by Ana Anacleto. Paços - Galeria Municipal. Torres Vedras. 

Collective exhibitions


 Prémio Árvore das Virtudes 3.ª Edição. Ato único. Cooperativa Árvore. Porto.

 O meu corpo é o teu corpo. Performance Refúgio. SedeCírculo de Artes Plásticas de Coimbra.

 Vir a Lume. Ato único. ESAD.CR.

 Mãos nas mãos: o futuro. Ato único. Galeria Câmara Escura. Torres Vedras.


Arte Scienza e Spiritualità. In corso. Rocca di Calascio, Itália.

Decompor e coser. Entre Linhas. Museu de Leiria.


Vitória. Desenho. Escola Superior de Educação e Ciências Sociais. Leiria.

Dancer Danger. Sobre luz. Museu Leopoldo de Almeida.

Caldas da Rainha.

Ofélia 10.5. Sobre luz. Esad. Caldas da Rainha.

Tentativa e erro #2. Sobre luz. Espaço turismo. Caldas da Rainha.

– Cubículo: a saída. Photography. ESAD.CR. Available at:

Vão de escada. Objeto. Patamar. Presented 04/03, Available at: Caldas da Rainha.


– Termini e condizioni. Desenho do som. Online, Aquila, Ítalia.

Young Artist Worker. Play with time. Online, presented 22/06, available at: Aquila, Ítalia.

Ocupar o corpo, Ocupar o museu. Entre o corpo e a obra. Performance. Museu José Malhoa. Caldas da Rainha.


Caldas late night. Painting and objetcts. Espaço turismo. Caldas da Rainha.

2015 - 2020

– Annual group exhibitions as part of the free Fine Arts courses at the Ílhavo Academy of Fine Arts. Galeria Nuno Sacramento, Ílhavo.



O desenho habita o caderno como eu habito o lugar. Essay. Published in the issue n.º4: Jornal: If it walks like a duck and it talks like a duck it’s a duck*. Available at:


– Dancer - Danger Glossário. Viagem Marítima. Collective publication. Available at:


Edições da sala 5. Publicar em tempos de isolamento. Collective publication. Presented on Photobook Club. Available at Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. Lisboa.

Artist residencies

June- September 2023

Creative scholarship Território - Comunidade - SustentabilidadeRama - Residência artística. Torres Vedras.

May 2023

Rama - Residência artística. Torres Vedras.

November 2022

– Quarry Sonnets project. Disused quarries: Serra de Aire e Candeeiros. Leiria.

October 2022

– Rama - External artistic residency. Available at:

https:// Torres Vedras.

May 2022

– Young Artist Worker. Arte Scienza e Spiritualità. Available at: Calascio. Itália.

February - April 2022

– Rama - External artistic residency. Available at: https:// Torres Vedras.

January 2022

– Serra Espaço Cultural. Leiria.

September 2021

– Artist residence in Mosteiro da Batalha. Drawing. Available at: Batalha, Leiria.

Professional Experience

February - Present 2024

Deputy Commissioner exhibition last show YAW.

 March - May 2023

Deputy Commissioner exhibition. Vir a lume. ESAD.CR.

October 2022 - June 2023

– Aecs: Extra-curricular activities. Artistic Expressions. 1.º ciclo. Caldas da Rainha.

December 2021 - June 2023

Cultural programming assistant. Professional internship scholarship. ESAD.CR.

February 2018 - March 2019

– Show assistant. 23 Milhas. Cultural transformation project. Ílhavo.

November 2018

– Cultural programming assistant. 23 Milhas. Cultural transformation project. Ílhavo.

June 2018

– Professional internship. Von Haff. Store and decoration studio. Aveiro.

October 2017 - June 2018

– Vocation Program. 23 Milhas.Cultural transformation project. Ílhavo.

June 2017 - December 2018

– Art workshops for children. Fun vacations. Tutoring centers: Concentrart e Capítulo Prodígio. Aveiro.

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